Recommended by Interior Designers
At Ross Painting & Concrete Coatings, we work with some of the best interior designers in the San Francisco North Bay Area. We know how valuable a good interior designer can be to a home or business owner who wants the best aesthetic outcome possible. That’s why we offer a free 90-minute color consultation with one of the amazing interior designers that we work with.
We have found that bringing an interior designer in at the beginning of a large painting project can really help our customers think through and select their color choices. An interior designer’s expertise not only creates a more desirable outcome, it also saves everyone both time and money. Change orders are minimal or aren’t necessary at all, when an interior designer is consulted upfront.
We are proud that Ross Painting & Concrete Coatings is recommended by many North Bay interior designers to be part of their team. They look to us to because we always do a beautiful job, finish on schedule, understand how to apply the latest materials and techniques, and we make their clients happy!